a Cue Career product

First-Generation, Low-Income (FGLI) Students

Make Your Career Goals a Reality

Ready to ditch the solo act? Join FGAccess and connect directly with top companies seeking FGLI talent. Unlock internships, build skills, and land your dream job with our supportive community and expert resources. Don’t navigate alone, join the FGLI success story!

Membership is always free.

Connecting FGLI Students
with Employers

Invest in your future: Get personalized advice and support from experienced professionals.

Decode company culture: Get inside access to FGLI-friendly employers.

Ready to stand out? Develop the skills that get you noticed and land your dream job.

Membership is always free.

Establish meaningful

With professionals within your areas of interest. These connections significantly enhance your prospects of securing your initial job or internship.

Don't settle for just a job, find
your dream workplace!

 Connect with professionals and experience company culture before you apply. Start your journey today!

Boost your attractiveness
to potential employers

By enhancing digital skills. Discover essential digital workforce skills for your chosen professions and explore cost-free ways to develop them.

As someone whose family did not go to school…I would strongly recommend these roundtable series! It’s important for anyone who wants to obtain a better life to ask questions and speak to professionals who are here to help us grow and succeed. And this roundtable series is the spark that we need to ignite our journeys into the real world.

Henry, Sophomore
Columbia University

I was able to gain a deeper understanding of the company’s values, work environment, and hear directly from employees. This ensures that I am able to align with their values and become excited and motivated to pursue an employment or internship opportunity. It is also a great way to network and build professional relationships with the employees.

Camila, Freshman